From Database Systems (600.466) Lefture, Oct 11, 2001. Copyright Ryan A. Brown, Johns Hopkins University. Using Oracle ============ cd ~oracle/signup/signmeup ./sql ... enter username & password ... SQL> issue SQL commands followed by a ; or exit on its own line to quit. CREATE TABLE carmodel ( modelid NUMBER NOT NULL, model VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, make VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, submodel VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (modelid), UNIQUE (modelid)); INSERT INTO carmodel VALUES (500, 'Accord', 'Honda', 'Coupe V6'); INSERT INTO carmodel VALUES (501, 'Accord', 'Honda', 'Sedan'); INSERT INTO carmodel VALUES (502, 'Insight', 'Honda', NULL); CREATE TABLE car ( vin VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, modelid NUMBER NOT NULL, mileage NUMBER NOT NULL, color VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (vin), UNIQUE (vin), FOREIGN KEY (modelid) REFERENCES carmodel (modelid)); INSERT INTO car VALUES ('XPO930842KCD', 500, 37500, 'Red'); INSERT INTO car VALUES ('KPEWLICI0843', 501, 13200, 'Green'); INSERT INTO car VALUES ('OIUEW098324K', 502, 0, 'Silver'); INSERT INTO car VALUES ('09834LKCLUEA', 501, 9000, 'Green'); SELECT * FROM car; SELECT * FROM car WHERE modelid = 501; SELECT car.* FROM car, carmodel WHERE car.modelid = carmodel.modelid AND model = 'Accord'; SELECT AVG(car.mileage) FROM car, carmodel WHERE car.modelid = carmodel.modelid AND carmodel.model = 'Accord'; Administering Oracle ==================== Starting & Stopping Oracle -------------------------- hops> svrmgrl SVRMGRL> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGRL> startup mount starts up without letting users in SVRMGRL> startup starts up normally SVRMGRL> shutdown shuts down SVRMGRL> exit exits the svrmgrl program Creating a Table Space ---------------------- SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE myspace DATAFILE '/path/to/files/filename.dbf' SIZE 10M; Creating Users -------------- SQL> CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password DEFAULT TABLESPACE myspace QUOTA 1M ON myspace; SQL> GRANT connect, resource TO username; Changing a Password ------------------- SQL> ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; Removing a User --------------- SQL> DROP USER username CASCADE; Removing a Tablespace --------------------- SQL> DROP TABLESPACE myspace INCLUDING CONTENTS; .. then delete the tablespace files by hand.. Special Tables -------------- dba_tables: owner, table_name, tablespace_name, num_rows, etc. SQL> select owner, table_name FROM dba_tables; dba_users: username, user_id, password, default_tablespace, created, profile SQL> select * from dba_users where username = 'XCATALINA'; SQL In Action ============= Loading a file of SQL commands: spool mylog start make-banking.sql start make-airline-DB.sql spool off ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Queries from blue book for Banking DB: -- All customer data. select * from customer; -- Names and cities of all borrowers select distinct customer.customer_name, customer_city from borrower, customer where borrower.customer_name = customer.customer_name; -- Set of names and cities of customers who have a loan at Perryridge branch select distinct C.customer_name, customer_city from customer C, borrower B, loan L where C.customer_name = B.customer_name and B.loan_number = L.loan_number and branch_name = 'Perryridge'; -- Numbers of accounts with balances between 700 and 900. select account_number from account where balance between 700 and 900; -- Names of customers on streets with names ending in "Hill". select customer_name from customer where customer_street like '%Hill'; -- Names of customers with both accounts and loans at Perryridge branch. select distinct customer_name from borrower, loan where borrower.loan_number = loan.loan_number and branch_name = 'Perryridge' and customer_name in (select customer_name from account, depositor where account.account_number = depositor.account_number and branch_name = 'Perryridge'); -- Names of customers with an account but not a loan at Perryridge branch. select distinct customer_name from account, depositor where account.account_number = depositor.account_number and branch_name = 'Perryridge' and customer_name not in (select customer_name from loan, borrower where loan.loan_number = borrower.loan_number and branch_name = 'Perryridge'); -- Set of names of customers with accounts at a branch where Hayes has -- an account. select distinct D.customer_name from depositor D, account A where D.account_number = A.account_number and branch_name in (select branch_name from depositor Dh, account Ah where Dh.account_number = Ah.account_number and D.customer_name = 'Hayes'); -- Set of names of branches whose assets are greater than the assets of -- some branch in Brooklyn select distinct T.branch_name from branch T, branch S where T.assets > S.assets and S.branch_city = 'Brooklyn'; -- Names of customers with both accounts and loans at Perryridge branch -- (using "exists"). select customer_name from customer where exists (select * from account, depositor where account.account_number = depositor.account_number and depositor.customer_name = customer.customer_name and branch_name = 'Perryridge') and exists (select * from loan, borrower where loan.loan_number = borrower.loan_number and borrower.customer_name = customer.customer_name and branch_name = 'Perryridge'); -- Names of customers with an account but not a loan at Perryridge branch -- (using "exists"). select customer_name from customer where exists (select * from account, depositor where account.account_number = depositor.account_number and depositor.customer_name = customer.customer_name and branch_name = 'Perryridge') and not exists (select * from loan, borrower where loan.loan_number = borrower.loan_number and borrower.customer_name = customer.customer_name and branch_name = 'Perryridge'); -- The average balance of all accounts. select avg(balance) from account; -- Names of branches having at least one account, with average account -- balances. select branch_name, avg(balance) from account group by branch_name; -- Name(s) of branch(es) having largest average balance. select branch_name from account group by branch_name having avg(balance) >= all(select avg(balance) from account group by branch_name); >=, >, <, <=, = ALL | ANY -- Average balance of all customers in Harrison having at least 2 accounts. select avg(balance) from depositor, account, customer where depositor.customer_name = customer.customer_name and depositor.account_number = account.account_number and customer_city = 'Harrison' group by depositor.customer_name having count (distinct account.account_number) >= 2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Queries for airline-DB: -- List the number of planes leaving each Origin City SELECT Flight.Origin, COUNT(Flight.Num) FROM Flight GROUP BY Flight.Origin; -- List all the kinds of aircraft that we actually fly SELECT DISTINCT Plane.Maker, Plane.Model_No FROM Plane, Aircraft WHERE Plane.Model_No = Aircraft.Model_No; -- Get the Name and salary of all pilots whose salary is between -- 40,000 and 55,000, ranked lowest to highest SELECT Employee.Name, Employee.Salary FROM Employee, Pilot WHERE Employee.Emp_No = Pilot.Emp_No AND (Employee.Salary BETWEEN 40000 AND 55000) ORDER BY Employee.Salary; -- Get the Name and Address of all Employees who have a salary that is -- above average SELECT Person.Name, Person.Address FROM Person, (SELECT Employee.Name FROM Employee WHERE Employee.Salary > (SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Employee)) E WHERE Person.Name = E.Name; -- Get the Name and salary of all Pilots that have a salary greater than the -- salary of all non-pilots, ranked from highest to lowest salary SELECT Employee.Name, Employee.Salary FROM Employee WHERE Employee.Salary > ALL (SELECT Employee.Salary FROM Employee WHERE Employee.Emp_No NOT IN (SELECT Emp_No FROM Pilot)) AND Employee.Emp_No IN (SELECT Emp_No FROM Pilot) ORDER BY Employee.Salary DESC; -- Get the Flight Number and Origin and number of passengers for all -- Flights going to Miami (MIA) that have at least 3 passengers SELECT Flight.Num, Flight.Origin, COUNT(Booked_On.Name) FROM Flight, Booked_On WHERE Flight.Num = Booked_On.Num AND Flight.Dest = 'MIA' GROUP BY Flight.Num, Flight.Origin HAVING COUNT(Booked_On.Name) > 3; -- Make a pink sheet that has each flight, its origin -- and the Name & Phone of each person (passenger & crew) on the plane ((SELECT Flight.Num, Flight.Origin, Person.Name, Person.Phone FROM Flight, Booked_On, Person WHERE Flight.Num = Booked_On.Num AND Booked_On.Name = Person.Name) UNION (SELECT Flight.Num, Flight.Origin, Person.Name, Person.Phone FROM Flight, Assigned_To, Employee, Person WHERE Flight.Num = Assigned_To.Num AND Assigned_To.Emp_No = Employee.Emp_No AND Employee.Name = Person.Name)); Links ===== Online SQL Tutorials: SQL/Database Management Information Databases Oracle FAQ Good Example Tables & Queries